Cloud-based standardised solutions for the energy industry
Whether you are an energy supplier, network operator, balancing group manager, metering point operator or in any other market role, you need to contribute to the success of the ever-changing energy market. At the same time, you need to keep end customers happy, comply with market rules, ensure security of supply and, on top of that, ensure the economic efficiency of your own business processes. None of this is possible without digital support.
With SOPTIM Elements we offer you the ideal platform for mastering the challenges of the energy market. Our modular, cloud-based solutions, which are provided as part of an SaaS model, enable you to design your energy industry processes efficiently and precisely.
Whether as a compact all-in-one solution in the form of EDITIONEN (Editions) matching your market role, as specific THEMENGEBIETE (Areas of Focus) for selected topics or as custom-fit ELEMENTE (Elements) for specific process steps – entirely according to your needs.
Solutions along the value chain - from sales to procurement

In their role as suppliers or balancing group managers, energy utilities benefit from our innovative solutions for process automation along the entire energy value chain.
We digitise and automate processes – from individual offers to end customers, contract management and precise load forecasts to transparent portfolio and position management.
We also provide automated scheduling, enable precise confirmation matching for trading partners, and reliably detect deviations in MaBiS processes. For the gas sector, we support KOV processes for balancing group management and daily nominations. Detailed analyses help to assess and optimise the profitability of individual customers or entire portfolios. We also seamlessly integrate feed-in and prosumer customers into existing processes.
In this way, we create efficient, transparent processes and sustainably strengthen the competitiveness of our partners.
Solutions that make the heart of any distribution system operator beat faster

Distribution system operators perform complex tasks in their day-to-day business and in network transformation. We offer automated and transparent process solutions, including MaBiS network balancing, KOV allocation mapping and certified feed-in tariff calculation.
Our solutions integrate processes as the primary responsible metering point operator and simplify Redispatch 2.0 measures by eliminating manual steps. In this way, we ensure smooth processes and reduce the burden on distribution system operators.
All of our solutions are rounded off by the takeover of the solution operation in the form of our SaaS model and an attractive pricing model with our proven partner model. We are also happy to support you with expert advice, project management or even BPO services through our subsidiary, enprout gmbh.