Strong partnership: SOPTIM and Amazon Web Services
Shaping the future of the energy industry with excellent specialist expertise and first-class cloud technology: as an official launch partner of the “AWS Energy Competency”, from the very beginning, SOPTIM was one of the hand-picked companies to be part of the AWS Energy Competency Partner Programme launched in 2021. You will benefit from the close cooperation between SOPTIM and AWS through exclusive access to valuable content and attractive offers.

Through this collaboration, we are combining our years of industry experience and software development expertise with Amazon Web Services’ world-class cloud technology and outstanding innovation to deliver excellent solutions and services for the energy sector.
The continuously growing portfolio of AWS-certified cloud services and SaaS applications specifically complements our broad range of solutions for the energy market.
You want to know more?
Then take a look at the case studies and convince yourself of the proven customer success or arrange a meeting right away. (These are only in German, please click here to visit the German website.)
The advantages of AWS at a glance

Centred around the customer
For both SOPTIM and AWS, customers are always at the centre of everything we do. With the partnership, we jointly achieve the best possible results for our customers through the close interaction of software and cloud provider.

Trust and reliability
The partnership ensures that we always have the latest first-hand AWS expertise that our customers can rely on.

The future is always in focus
The regular exchange regarding smaller and larger developments in the energy industry is one of the key added values of the partnership, as is early access to technological innovations.
AWS in action
Germany-wide operating energy supplier automates market data procurement with AWS
Whether energy trading, sales or grid operation – the operational business of energy supply companies is becoming more volatile and small-scale due to the energy transition.
The corresponding increase in data volume requires new solutions for the preparation and distribution of market information. Automation, standardisation and synchronisation in the course of data provision are essential in light of the need for high-frequency data availability.
“The successes achieved and the consistently positive feedback show that there is enormous potential in intelligent digital services. This strengthens our confidence that we have set the right course with our offensive cloud strategy.”
Nico Vondegracht, authorised signatory for Digital Solutions